Temple and co, expert advisers in ecommerce and internet related issues

Temple Consultants (Nottingham) Limited,
8 Main Road,
NG12 2FH

T: 08452 414045

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Commercial law, including eccomerce and internet related requirements
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In terms of E-commerce we offer expert advice on the following Internet- related issues:

  • Contract formation procedures - making the contract legally enforceable.
  • Terms of business will usually be the same basic terms as in hard copy with some additions necessary only by reason of the Internet medium.
  • Why it is important to use an 'invitation to offer' and not to 'make an offer' over the Internet.
  • Consumer protection in Internet Sales.
  • Competition Law.
  • Advertising on the internet.
  • Choice of jurisdiction and applicable law.
  • Website development agreements.
  • Outsourcing agreements.
Company Law
Commercial Law and Business Law
Commercial Mediation
Cross-border transactions
Compliance Reviews
Legal Audit

An increasing number of companies use the e-commerce market for almost all business purposes. However, failure to get trading terms right when selling on line could result in complex legal and financial difficulties.
E-commerce trading can lead to foreign jurisdictions being accidentally involved. Lack of good contract formation procedures can result also in clauses excluding and restricting liability not being enforceable. This, in turn, could have serious implications for any business. New consumer protection laws have an impact on every business which elects to trade using the World Wide Web. On-line traders will have to put extra information on their websites and bring it to the attention of consumers. Without providing such information the seller may not be able to enforce the contract fully.

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Temple Consultants (Nottingham) Limited. Registered Office: 8 Main Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent near Nottingham NG12 2FH. Company Number: 11149705.